Junior High Academics (7-8)

Seventh and Eighth Grade

Language Arts

Our seventh- and eighth-grade Language Arts classes are structured much like a high school English class — we combine reading, writing, and the study of grammar into one class. The students continue developing their skills as readers through questioning, visualizing, predicting, connecting, and responding to what they have read. They expand their understanding of literature by studying literary elements such as plot, character, setting, tone, point-of-view, theme, foreshadowing, and flashback. They explore the literature even further by examining the author’s style and purpose. The students read various types of writing (expository, narrative, persuasive, and technical) and genres, as well as short stories, novels, poetry, fiction, and non-fiction. There is also an emphasis on speaking, which creates a complete language experience for the students.


In seventh grade, we integrate problem-solving skills with all mathematical topics. We explore all operations of rational and real numbers. Students develop an understanding of algebraic expressions, equations and graph inequalities. They expand their understanding of geometry by recognizing figures and constructing different shapes using a compass and protractor.

In eighth grade, we provide a solid foundation for both algebra and geometry. The course is designed for students to master first-year algebra concepts and skills according to two levels of difficulty. The completion of this course will provide the underlying groundwork for success in any future mathematics course.

Social Studies

The major focus in seventh grade is geography and Kansas History. The students explore economics and American government through the study of the history of our state.

In eighth grade, the primary focus is on American History from 1800 to 1900. The students also study the Constitution of the United States and the functions of the American government.


Seventh- and eighth-grade Science focus is to develop each student’s ability to conduct a scientific inquiry by designing investigations, developing questions, gathering and analyzing data, conducting research, and using the appropriate technological tools and mathematics. The Science curriculum covers physical, life, and environmental sciences. Our Catholic faith is infused in our study of science by acknowledging that God is present in all that we think, do, and say. He is the creator of all things.


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