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Saturday: Breakfast with Santa!

Posted on December 01, 2022 in: General News

Saturday: Breakfast with Santa!

Join us for Breakfast with Santa and shopping at the Elf Shelf Store! We are also looking for volunteers to make the event happen. Please click this link to volunteer: Breakfast & Elf Shelf Volunteers

The Elf Shelf Store (Nov 30 - Dec2) is an affordable Christmas store for our students to shop and purchase Christmas presents for their loved ones.  The items range in price from $.25 - $12.00.   The students get very excited about shopping in the store!  

We also have our Breakfast with Santa on Saturday, December 3d from 8:30 - 10:30.  This is a free community event.  We will be serving pancakes and sausage,  Mrs. Claus will be here making the pancakes, Santa will be available for pictures and the Elf Shelf store will be open for business.  Please share this event with any families and friends that might be interested in attending. Click HERE to RSVP for Breakfast with Santa!

There are multiple tabs at the top of the page.  We are asking for volunteers for several different dates and times.  Please note that if you would like to volunteer during the Elf Shelf Store, we ask that you sign up for a time that is NOT your child's class.  They will not be able to shop for you and have a surprise if you are helping them pick out an item.

Many hands make light work!  Feel free to have your middle school students sign up for some service hours, during any of the set-up times or on Breakfast with Santa.

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