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From the desk of Mrs. Obershaw: Kids Heart Challenge

Posted on May 26, 2023 in: General News

From the desk of Mrs. Obershaw: Kids Heart Challenge

Kids Heart Challenge

Each year Holy Cross participates in the Kids Heart Challenge, which is a fundraiser for the American Heart Association. The funds are used for research in developing new and better medicines and procedures to help those young, old, and in between with heart issues.

A huge THANK YOU goes out to the following students for participating in this year’s Kids Heart Challenge and raising over $800 for the American Heart Association. :  Romeo, Teddy, Frannie, Sophie, Antonio, Milly, Lilah, Ollie, Mary, Logan, Joshua, Iris, Wally, and Alice

Congratulations to our top fundraiser, Joshua, who got to pie Dr. Wagner in the face, and to our runner up, Logan, who got to do the same to Mrs. Obershaw at our end of the year assembly.

Mrs. Obershaw, PE Teacher

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