'Tis the season for gift giving. This event takes a village, but the reward is so sweet! It is time for our annual Elf Shelf holiday store and Breakfast with Santa. These are two separate events that merge together on Saturday, Dec 2nd.
The students shop at a store for small items ranging from $0.50 to $15.00 to get wrapped and taken home to put under their Christmas tree for their loved ones to open. Now is an excellent time to have your child earn money to bring to school in the ELF SHELF money envelope that will go home on November 27th. Any money not spent will be returned to the student to take home.
There are many ways and times to offer your time and talent to these events. Please consider volunteering if you are VIRTUS trained on any of these dates and times.
Monday, November 27th - Elf Shelf Store Set Up and Decorating
Wed.11/29 - Fri. 12/1 - Elf Shelf Holiday Store
Friday, Dec. 1st - Gym Set Up and Decorating
Saturday, Dec. 2nd - Help with Breakfast with Santa