This is a communication from CYO of Johnson & Wyandotte Counties (CYOJWA):
Fall registration is now open
Cross Country - Flag Football - Tackle Football - Volleyball
You can register at
If you have any questions, please reference our website or contact your parish DSM (Director of Sports Ministry).
If you cannot wait until the fall to get your child involved in activities, our local Catholic parishes are offering summer camps. Please find more information below.
Saint Thomas Aquinas Grade School Summer Camps
During May, June and July, Saint Thomas Aquinas High School provides a variety of summer
camps for students entering grades K through 8 to explore. Our summer camps give students
the chance to discover their potential in both sports and other activities. Registration and
further information is available online, through our website at
Saint James Summer Camp
Summer sports camps are exciting opportunities for youth to interact with high school coaches and players. Learn about the St. James community and experience our team spirit while participating in activities during the break from school. Each camp fee is $80 unless otherwise specified. All camps will be held at St. James unless otherwise noted. Each camp has a minimum number of participants required so we reserve the right to cancel a camp if there are an inadequate number of registrants. See the event ticket for details. Please contact Anna Bomhoff at 913-254- 4240 or or Tom Radke at with questions.
Bishop Miege Summer Camps
• All camps are held at Bishop Miege main campus
• Morning camps begin at 9:00am - Noon
• Afternoon camps begin at 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm
• Camps are Monday - Thursday (No Friday camp - unless noted)