CYO end-of-season tournament begins TODAY for our 5th-8th graders. Please see this weekend's schedule of games- best of luck to our athletes:
Friday, February 25th
6:00pm- 6th grade boys playing for JPII @ Prince of Peace Gym
8:20pm-8th grade boys @ Good Shepherd Gym
Saturday, February 26th
11:30am-5th/6th grade girls @ St Joseph Gym
5:20pm- 6th grade boys (if win on Friday) @ Holy Trinity Gym
7:40pm- 7th grade boys @ Cure of Ars Gym
MARCH MADNESS is Thursday, March 3rd from 6-8pm with an optional dinner at 5pm. This event is open to all Holy Cross CYO Basketball players & their families as well as the 8th grade class and their families. We hope to make this a school-wide event again next year. CYO will have concessions for sale and 8th graders will be fundraising for their class gift to the school. If you'd like to make a donation please feel free to Venmo @holycrosscyo
Join your HC Classmates for an exciting season of Track or NEW THIS YEAR Girls Flag football. Register here:
Scholarship Applications DUE BY March 28th- NO EXCEPTIONS. Apply here:
BOYS VOLLEYBALL for 4th-8th graders is an option this spring for athletes who wish to join The Kansas City Parochial League. If your son is interested in playing, please email This will assist us in evaluating if we have enough interest to form teams for this league or work to place your son on another parish's team. The cost is $90 per player and scholarships are not available for this sport.
New for 2022: the 1st Annual Praise and Graze Celebration is March 26th at Nativity Gym from 7-11pm. Please consider attending and honoring award recipients for their exceptional work to grow the Catholic faith through their participation in sports. Proceeds from this event will raise funds for future CYO Scholarship recipients. Click HERE for more information.
Finally, CYO would like to give a big thank you to all of our coaches and gym coordinators for helping make this BB a success for our athletes. Thank you, Ms. Anderson, Mrs. Cox, Mr. Armando, Coach Wahlen, Coach Greer, Coach Troy, Coach Newman, Coach Thomason, Coach Gaunt, and Mr. Malone for your hard work this season! Thank you also to the many students who assisted in running the concession stand as well as the scoreboard this season- WE APPRECIATE YOU!