Middle school students have been very busy in ELA. We finished our final unit of the year in our digital reading platform, Amplify. This program has been a great addition to our curriculum at Holy Cross. It really encourages students to use text evidence when answering questions over the stories. Their final Amplify unit test consisted of short answer questions and a writing piece. Tremendous growth was shown across the 6th-8th grade. Also, 6th grade students had a great time on a final project for their last novel, Holes. By creating board games to demonstrate comprehension of the novel, students not only had a chance to complete an assessment of knowledge but had fun collaborating in groups as well. To finish off the year, we are working on a poetry unit. Students are looking at sensory words and figurative language to enhance their own writing. The poems they are coming up with are fantastic.
Mrs. Amy Sells
Jr. High ELA Teacher