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A note from Mrs. Wagner

Posted on September 11, 2020 in: Dr. Clark's Newsletter

A note from Mrs. Wagner

How much of life do we miss by waiting to see the rainbow before thanking God for the rain?- Dieter F. Uchtdorf

This week we were presented with a rainy week that always presents many obstacles in a school setting, including indoor recess. This may seem like yet another obstacle, but Holy Cross does not miss out on life waiting for a rainbow, because we are thankful for every day that we get to be with our students. Even if it is raining, we are together and we thank God for that.

I am reminded of my first conversation with Fr. Oswaldo about building and praying together. This year we really need to concentrate on those two tasks. I was so impressed with the attendance of our PTO meeting this week.  It is nice to see how many families are interested and invested in our school and parish community. Although, I would love to see more and more families attend our meetings. We can only build our community and pray if we are together. #holycrosstogether

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