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FIT CLUB MEMBERS–April 26 to May 3 25 MILE CLUB:  Nick, Kayden 50 MILE CLUB:  Alex, Ayak, Josh G., Camila 75 MILE CLUB: Kenley, Iker, Zoe, Luciana, Sophie 100 MILE CLUB: Emily (125), Bella (125), Ellie (150), Tyler (175), Briella (175), Clara (175), Liam (175), Scarlett (...

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FIT Club, Mrs. Obershaw
From the desk of Mrs. Obershaw: Kids Heart Challenge
Kids Heart Challenge Each year Holy Cross participates in the Kids Heart Challenge, which is a fundraiser for the American Heart Association. The funds are used for research in developing new and better medicines and procedures to help those young, old, and in between with heart issues. A huge...

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Mrs. Obershaw, Kids Heart Challenge
FIT Club: From the desk of Mrs. Obershaw
FIT CLUB MEMBERS–January 7 to February 23  25 MILE CLUB: Zoey 75 MILE CLUB: Alijah 100 MILE CLUB: Holly (125), Lilah (150), Jamie (175), Ximena (150), Logan (125), Joey (175), Ms. Koeppen 200 MILE CLUB: Mrs. Obershaw (250) The 7th/8th graders still hold the top spot in our ...

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FIT Club, Mrs. Obershaw

From the desk of Mrs. Obershaw

Posted on November 03, 2022 in: General News

From the desk of Mrs. Obershaw
FIT CLUB MEMBERS–September 28 to October 27  25 MILE CLUB: Elijah, Heather, Briella, Lolal, Bianca, Ayak, Tucker, Logan, Iris, Emily, Isa, Mrs. Wagner, Ms. Koeppen 50 MILE CLUB: Lily, Holly, Jax, Adeline, Paul, Christopher, Sheree, Ignacio 75 MILE CLUB: Malea, Elisa, Lilah, Ximen...

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FIT Club, Mrs. Obershaw
From the desk of Mrs. Obershaw
  THE HOLY CROSS 2021-22 FIT CLUB MEMBERS 25 MILE CLUB:  Caitlin Dolan, Nila Meyer, Elijah Bwami, Lily Kistner, Jax Roberts, Owen Ferraro, Mrs. Lemmon   50 MILE CLUB:  Felipe Diaz, Ethan Greer, Emilio Campos      100 MILE CLUB:  Addison S...

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FIT Club, Mrs. Obershaw

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